Tuesday July 8, 2008 ~ 33 weeks 2 days
This morning I had a regularly scheduled check up with Dr. F. in Maryville. Of course it was much of the same, weight, blood pressure, and measurements. Everything looked pretty good except I have been having trace amount of protein in my urine throughout my pregnancy but today it was 1+ (just how they measure it) and I have been having a lot of swelling in my feet and legs. Thus the cankle- where the calf and ankle flow together - yuck! Since it was first thing in the morning and the swelling was still very evident (1+ pitting edema- aka pretty gross for someone who is otherwise a healthy 24 year old) Dr. F. decided that I should get checked out next week instead of in two weeks, unfortunately he was going to be out of the office next week. I guess I need to cut back on my salt, drink more water, and try to keep my feet up whenever possible, which seems to be impossible, to try and keep the swelling to a minimum. These are a few of the signs of pre-eclampsia, but my blood pressure was 110/70 which looked great, so he is not too concerned. Also I have been continually been measuring farther along than I am. Today I was measuring at 36 1/2 weeks, which is consistent with the three weeks larger that I was measuring two weeks ago, so that is a good sign that my amniotic level is not on too much of a rise. He suggested that I see an OB doctor at St. Luke's so they know what is going on with me and since he will be gone. I have an ultrasound appointment next Wednesday so I decided that I would try to get an appointment for the same day.
I contacted Ashley who is the Maternal-Fetal Coordinator at St. Luke's and she wanted to know if we wanted to "transfer care" to St. Luke's. I opted for not since that would pretty much ensure me weekly trips to Kansas City. I asked when that was usually done and she said not until 37 or 38 weeks, so that is the plan. Just meet with the OB Dr's in KC next week for a check up but not to fully transfer care until a) 37 or 38 weeks or b) something with my health changes.
All in all both baby and I looked good. Her heart rate was 139 which right about where she has been staying. Dr. F. could feel that she is defiantly head down, and that all the discomfort in my rib cage is her big feet attempting to stretch out. Still no birth plan but hopefully we can nail that down next week at our appointment, it seems like the time is flying by and Baby Girl Reed will be making her debut before we know it. So excited, yet so nervous. Thank you to all of those who continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, it is so appreciated.
Recovery Mode!!
7 months ago