Friday August 15, 2008 ~ 38 weeks 5 days
Happy Birthday to my husband Brian! Thought a baby girl would be the best present but it doesn't look like that is going to be the case.
Yesterday my mom and sister came down to visit and get some stuff packed up. We ended up painting the bathroom in our current home to give it a little sale appeal, painted it a green color, got the paint from Walmart, didn't exactly turn out to be the color I thought, but looks good. I ended up packing up most of the living room, and scrubbed the house pretty much from top to bottom, so with any luck we might get a buyer this weekend (keeping my fingers crossed). By the time I got everything packed up and cleaned up it was pretty late and I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep, but my body had other plans. BGR was moving around most of the night and I had contractions off and on all night long, so didn't get to sleep as much as I thought, but oh well.
Went to see Dr. Golightly this morning - lost a little weight, baby's heartbeat sounded good, blood pressure was a little high, feet noticeably less swollen, dilated between 1.5-2, 50% effaced, and still soft, so slightly farther along from last week. I was hoping that I would be dilated to a 5 or 6 and we would head down to Kansas City this afternoon, but no such luck.
The game plan is still to go to St. Luke's in Kansas City on Monday morning for a probable induction, if everything looks the same if not better. I really wish that when I went down I was already into labor...any good hints for getting this baby thing going?, I am still nervous about the induction thing ( my fear of C-section!). I have got one suggestion so far, to drive on this very curvy bumpy road in the area, it worked for one of my friends.
Recovery Mode!!
7 months ago
Hi Cassie,
I am going to be induced on Monday our little ones may share a birthday. I am going to be 40 weeks and 1 day on Monday. So far my body is not even thinking labor so induction is our only option. The doctors believe that Will is going to be close to 9lbs so this is our last chance for a natural birth. I will be hoping that niether of us have C-sections but look forward to meeting our babies no matter how they decide to join us.
Take Care,
Relax! That is my only priceless gem of advice. I don't believe anything, even induction works if the baby is not ready. These little ones start off stubborn right from the bat.
I can't wait to see BGR!
I have been following your blog and can't believe it is coming so close to meeting baby girl Reed :)
I will be praying for all of you this weekend, especially Monday.
Prayers and hugs,
Ana and Marco
We have found out that Carter does not like car rides and I start having contractions again when I'm in the car. Try that! :)
Good luck and keep us updated.
Here's something easy you can do - sit on a birthing ball. It allows your pelvis to widen up to 1cm, letting BGR drop down further into the pelvis and apply more pressure to your cervix. Great thing to do in labor - it really helps (and helps the pain)!
Jen Miller
We will be praying that BGR comes naturally!! I really don't have many suggestions either, my girls came at 40 wks exactly and 40 weeks 2 days (give or take--that was Leah). With both I had my membranes stripped, but don't think it did too much. That was done on a Monday, I went into labor on Wednesday afternoon, and delivered on Thursday morning (My second labor was shorter by just a few hours).
Thanks so much for stopping by and supporting Leah this week. It was so unexpected, but she got through it like a trooper. Yesterday you wouldn't have known anything had happened!
We'll send lots of house selling vibes your way, we've been there, done that. Good luck!
No suggestions (sorry) but we are thinking of y'all and praying for a natural birth.
Hi Cassie,
I have been following some of your updates from the Parker Foundation website! Sounds like your baby girl will be here soon! I also have a daughter born with CDH. She will be 2 in Nov! I also am oringinally from Topeka, KS...and I have heard very good things about St Lukes in KC! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a natural child birth like you hope, and for your baby girl!
Amanda Turner
San Antonio, TX
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